Sunday, October 9, 2011

APOD 1.6 Asteroids Near Earth

Asteroids Near Earth

So... Wait a minute. Basically what I get from this APOD is that with all of the new technology and information we have gathered recently we are actually finding less data than before? I suppose the results from NEOWISE could be seen as more precise, but what I'm seeing is that all these updated tools are finding close to 40% less near-Earth asteroids bigger than 100 meters than previously thought. So either the instruments that were used before were extremely less on target than thought, or the new instruments that are supposedly way better are just finding less asteroids. Okay... Precise is good, particularly when concerning near-Earth asteroids, but why would these results not have been challenged before and why were they taken as truth so readily? It seems as if something that detected 40% more asteroids in the past than now was way too easily taken as reliable.

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